AGM Meeting
September 26,2023
Meeting Minutes

Board Member Attendees: Sarah Kilmartin, Geoff Bowering, Ren Manlolo, Christie Manlolo, Stewart Spencer, Marg Lesage, Rozlyn Lord.

Non-Board Member Attendees: Blaine Kyllo, Izzy Dino, Sammy Niemi, Eric Niemi, Kelly Evans, Chris Randall, James Lawson, Derek Hepburn, Mark Frasier, Lisa Misola, Neil Misola, Lindsay Young, Houtan Maleki, Michelle Fox and Cory Lonoenburg.

1. Call to order 7:39 pm

2. 2022 AGM Minutes Approved (Chris Randall, Michelle Fox )

3. 2023 AGM Agenda Approved (Sarah, Ren)

4. President’s Report: Registration Numbers up, hosted several tournaments many sold out. Opening Ceremonies are a success.

5. Treasurer’s Report: Tough couple years, we did not receive gaming grant for the last couple years. Looking to raise registration fees by 10-25% across all divisions. This percent will depend on if we get the gaming grant. More to follow when we know if we qualify. Registrations
increased across the board this year 25% House and 12% rep.

6. Pitching Coash: Izzy Dino will be the pitching clinic Coach for 2023/2024 Season.

7. Other Skills Programs: The board is looking at providing other skills camps, such as hitting and fielding. Izzy Dino will look at leading the skills camps.

8. Added Committees: Blaine Kyllo motioned for the board to come a list of needed committees (seconded by Sarah) Unanimously approved.

9. Resignations:

  • UIC- Geoff Bowering
  • VP Junior- Ren Manolo
  • Blaine Kyllo – Registrar

10. Elections:

  • Admin/Registrar: Lindsay Young nominated Kelly Evans Association has unanimously approved. (non-voting member)
  • VP Junior Role: James Lawson Nominated by Stewart Spencer (Jason) Association has unanimously Approved.
  • UIC -Umpire in chief : Geoff Bowering has appointed his replacement to Sammy Niemi. (non-voting member)
  • Member at Large: Kelly Evans nominated Lindsay Young (Sarah) Association has unanimously approved.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:48pm

NSGFA Society Governance

Constitution (2009-11-18)

Bylaws (2009-11-18)

Annual General Meeting minutes (2023-09-23)